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County Leagues

Play competitive football at the Royal Navy FA, Join your establishments team 

Across the country , establishments offer opportunities to play the beautiful game in a range of formats; providing organised football to players of all ages, regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, ability or faith.

We understand the importance of the local league and are proud to support them in their role of providing a safe and structured environment for competition. Teams are playing in affiliated leagues also have the opportunity to enter the Navy Cup competition.

The diversity of our league provide grassroots opportunities for all that want to play football. Please find information on the following leagues below: 

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Football Services 


Phone:02392 573032

Adult Football Leagues

Secretary: Pip Axtell -

The aim of the United Service Football League (USFL) is to promote and encourage competitive service football in and around the Portsmouth Area. Membership is open to teams from Ships, Establishments and units of the Royal Navy, Units of the Regular Army, Units of the Royal Air Force, Units of Local Constabularies, Units of Local Government Services and selected Civilian teams associated to military establishments (Must be affiliated to Hampshire FA). This year the USFL will run three competitions, The League, The League Cup (open to any team entered in to the League) and the Charity Cup open to all.
USFL Management Committee – 2014/15 

Chairman: Commander Ed Evens RN CO HMS Temeraire 
Vice Chairman: WOPT Baz Sloan HMNB Portsmouth
League Secretary: Mr Martin Wills   
Referees Secretary: Mr Alan Gower 
Portsmouth Area Referee appointer: Mr Alan Gower 
Co-opted member: Mr Steve Johnson (Non voting) RNFA Advising

For League Table, Results and Future Fixtures, please copy and paste the below link into your web browser:  

Secretary: Kim Stenning -

Secretary: Pip Axtell -

Secretary: Kim Stenning -

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